Why am I here? I thought you’d never ask… Wait. Did you ask? Well, you clicked on the article and you are here, so it’s basically like you did. Welcome! So now I’ll talk, or type… ah, whatever. I can’t answer why you’re here, but I can answer what this website is all about.

This website is what I’ll call my “recipe book.” It is my recipe book of ideas and stories… if you can classify it in that way. This is where I’ll translate my experiences into useful things like professional and life tips, and so much more. I won’t thoroughly explain who I am, or what I do right now. I’ve done that throughout this website you’ve stumbled across and I trust your ability to click on things, but let’s talk a little more about the goals of this website that you’re still here exploring.

Think of it as a compilation of my own life lessons and aha moments.You can also consider this website to be the back of my baseball card. It shows my batting average and the home runs I’ve hit. It’s all there in the form of pertinent information on my last several years. You’ll see the teams I’ve played for (the companies I’ve worked with,) the progression of my career, and my major milestones.

So if you’ve gotten this far you might have a little more of an idea but you might still be scratching your head… A recipe book? A baseball card? What really is this website? Overall it’s the combination of my business and life experiences joined together in one place. It’s a mixture of my personality, tips, stories, and topics authored by myself geared towards explaining who I am, what I do, and the things I find important.

Feel welcome to come back and visit my blog often to read my stories and maybe even discover something interesting… I hope!