
Malcolm Gladwell’s 10 Rules for Success

“We learn by example and by direct experience because there are real limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction.” -Malcolm Gladwell I’m a firm believer in the power of reading in order to learn, grow, and adapt as both an individual and a professional. It’s widely acknowledged that the...

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Cup of Joe: Who Needs Sleep?

We all know that made-for-film moment: “Well, at least things can’t get any worse!” … and then it rains. Well, get out there and fight your rain. Get yourself busy! The amount of busy that I am is unreal, but there’s no better feeling than the sense of accomplishment...

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6 Tips for a Successful Website

There are two types of people that are going to read this post: the individual that knows the importance of websites and wants to improve their grasp on them and the individual that just doesn’t care. In some cases, a website is an afterthought.  In other cases, a website...

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Operation Inbox Zero

Productivity is a beautiful thing. The issue is that what surrounds you – both online and in person- has the power to affect that productivity. For those of you who know me, you know that my neurotic self wants to constantly jump from one thing to another. Unfortunately, if...

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Two Different Methods to Tackling Debt

If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume that it’s because you have some sort of debt. Good assumption? I’m not re-inventing the wheel in this article, but I am going to clearly and easily explain two proven methods of paying off debt. Since both of these methods focus on...

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To the Company that Knows Nothing about Websites

Over the years I have been involved in hundreds of development and design projects and I’ve received the same number of questions from a wide range of clients. Some know what they want, some think they know what they want, and others are clueless (outside of knowing they need...

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Cup of Joe: What’s Up? CRM & Progress

There are so many forms of social media, but I don’t want to be like everyone else… You’ve stumbled upon this article or have arrived here via the magic of a social share (thanks, Linkedin & Facebook). So what am I focusing on doing these days? Well, the past...

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The Problem With Being Dedicated and Passionate

I have a wide number of topics, tips, and ideas but I promised to also use this website to bring more of my personal side out. Since we’re focusing on what makes me who I am this topic is really relevant. Anyone that knows me, knows how hard I...

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Phrases that Successful People Avoid Saying

I could have named this article “Things Never Uttered by Richard Branson.” While I don’t know him personally, his name sums up the type of person you wouldn’t catch saying these phrases. (Not sure you know who Richard Branson is? Yes you do) These aren’t just phrases, they are mindsets....

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