Category Archives: Business

Startup Checklist

Startup Checklist   Behind every great company is a great idea. Between a great idea and a great company is a lot of planning. It’s ill-advised to start a company with no planning. Businesses that lack a plan usually burn through their funds and fail.    21.5% of startups...

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What Small Businesses Waste Money On

What Small Businesses Waste Money On   Small businesses sometimes fall into the trap of spending money they don’t have on things they don’t need. This isn’t going to be a “buy less coffee” type of post. We’re here to tell you what services you’re actively spending money on...

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Climbing Your Way out of Mediocrity

It’s a tough pill to swallow, but most people will never reach their full potential for success. For some, it’s simply easier not to.  It’s difficult to fight the comforting pull of mediocrity. If you are unwilling to strike out and can’t accept the possibility of failure, there’s a...

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The Importance of Core Values to Your Company

What motivates you to do your best work? What motivates your employees, teams or peers to do their best work? How do you generate the feeling that makes work more than a paycheck and less than…just work? Most people would answer ‘Values’. I’m most people. Core Values have continued...

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Cup of Joe: The J&R Move(ment)

This cup of Joe is served with a shot of espresso and extra extra sugar, and Red Bull. Deep breath. I’m a month and a half late on my commitment to post as consistently as I have my coffee every morning. My excuse for the excess caffeine this month...

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The Ethics Behind Manipulation

I’m gonna be honest with you all, marketing is manipulation and the sooner you accept it the sooner you will know how to do your job the best you can. We manipulate our customers through marketing into doing what we want them to do, which is make a purchase,...

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7 Marketing Tips For Real Estate Agents and Other Sales People

We might not think about real estate as comparable to other sales positions often, houses are expensive, so are apartments, and cottages and even houseboats, so you obviously couldn’t sell one of them the same way as you’d sell say, a car, right? Or let’s go smaller, a t-shirt?...

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30 WTF Facts: Business, Marketing & Other Random Stuff

30 WTF Facts: Business, Marketing & Other Random Stuff It takes one type to admit their personality quirks but another to embrace them in their entirety. I’m a hard worker that focuses on getting shit done. It’s in my DNA, I take work home with me and I truly...

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Cup of Joe: Who Needs Sleep?

We all know that made-for-film moment: “Well, at least things can’t get any worse!” … and then it rains. Well, get out there and fight your rain. Get yourself busy! The amount of busy that I am is unreal, but there’s no better feeling than the sense of accomplishment...

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