Category Archives: Marketing

30 WTF Facts: Business, Marketing & Other Random Stuff

30 WTF Facts: Business, Marketing & Other Random Stuff It takes one type to admit their personality quirks but another to embrace them in their entirety. I’m a hard worker that focuses on getting shit done. It’s in my DNA, I take work home with me and I truly...

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Cup of Joe: Who Needs Sleep?

We all know that made-for-film moment: “Well, at least things can’t get any worse!” … and then it rains. Well, get out there and fight your rain. Get yourself busy! The amount of busy that I am is unreal, but there’s no better feeling than the sense of accomplishment...

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6 Tips for a Successful Website

There are two types of people that are going to read this post: the individual that knows the importance of websites and wants to improve their grasp on them and the individual that just doesn’t care. In some cases, a website is an afterthought.  In other cases, a website...

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To the Company that Knows Nothing about Websites

Over the years I have been involved in hundreds of development and design projects and I’ve received the same number of questions from a wide range of clients. Some know what they want, some think they know what they want, and others are clueless (outside of knowing they need...

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11 Psychological Tricks and Points to Remember

I have always enjoyed learning about how the brain processes and reacts to information. More so, I enjoy humor. Put those two things together and you have this article! Below are psychological tricks that are not only interesting, but also entertaining. In some cases they might even help you in...

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