Category Archives: Personal & Career

A Personal Admission: My Struggle with Timing and Capacity in Business

It’s not often that I get truly personal online, but today I feel compelled to open up about something that’s been weighing on me. As someone deeply committed to my work and clients, hearing phrases like ‘your company might be too busy for us’ or ‘we might be too...

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Lights, Camera, Business: 10 Must-Watch Movies for Entrepreneurs

I’m both a music and movie nerd and while I love humor and movies with twists, I also love movies that relate to my every day life (marketing, business, consulting) While this list doesn’t include my all time favorite movies, it includes movies related to the business/marketing/sales world that...

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10 Steps Towards Increased Productivity, Confidence, and Success

Success means a lot of different things. One thing that is always true that is that it is primarily defined by your level of productivity. Another true indication of success is your level of consistent improvement in how you exist in the world and who you are. The more...

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10 Habits that are Terrible for Your Productivity

I try to make decisions every day that will help improve my productivity. It is important to develop and maintain good work habits in all aspects of our lives. Habits define how we live and how we interact with others and it can make or break us depending on...

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Climbing Your Way out of Mediocrity

It’s a tough pill to swallow, but most people will never reach their full potential for success. For some, it’s simply easier not to.  It’s difficult to fight the comforting pull of mediocrity. If you are unwilling to strike out and can’t accept the possibility of failure, there’s a...

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The Importance of Core Values to Your Company

What motivates you to do your best work? What motivates your employees, teams or peers to do their best work? How do you generate the feeling that makes work more than a paycheck and less than…just work? Most people would answer ‘Values’. I’m most people. Core Values have continued...

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SMART Goals: How Do You Set Them?

If you’ve heard the term ‘Smart Goals’ this post will hit home and act as a reminder of the benefit of how they are applied. If you are like most and aren’t familiar with Smart Goals, they are what they sound like but provide a lot of benefits. Does...

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Cup of Joe: The J&R Move(ment)

This cup of Joe is served with a shot of espresso and extra extra sugar, and Red Bull. Deep breath. I’m a month and a half late on my commitment to post as consistently as I have my coffee every morning. My excuse for the excess caffeine this month...

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7 Marketing Tips For Real Estate Agents and Other Sales People

We might not think about real estate as comparable to other sales positions often, houses are expensive, so are apartments, and cottages and even houseboats, so you obviously couldn’t sell one of them the same way as you’d sell say, a car, right? Or let’s go smaller, a t-shirt?...

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