This cup of Joe is served with a shot of espresso and extra extra sugar, and Red Bull. Deep breath. I’m a month and a half late on my commitment to post as consistently as I have my coffee every morning.
My excuse for the excess caffeine this month is an office move. You might think moving from the second floor of an office in Cranston to a first-floor office also in Cranston wouldn’t be a massive undertaking. You’d be wrong. What’s this office move all about? J&R Marketing was sub-leasing in Cranston from a client that recently moved to downtown Providence. This sudden change and our ability to be (very) agile allowed us to focus on building a showroom and a headquarters where we can now more strategically meet with our clients and vendors.
So – Say Hello to the New J&R!
I don’t promote my services or services of companies I have an investment in a lot but with this post I’m going to highlight the business that J&R has grown into and what it focuses on today. J&R started as a consultant service where I offered my sales, marketing and business experience. What started with generating leads for businesses with their websites grew to working with clients on a wide range of services and products. The goal; help businesses.
In January of 2017 I hired my first employee (Hi Mike!) to help handle the sales side of the business while I structured and planned for expansion and growth of thousands of products and services. A little over a year later we had 10 employees in our Cranston office off Garfield Ave, had streamlined our processes and services, and hired leaders to bring those services and products to the next level. We now are completing the move to Park Ave. in Cranston and bringing what we do to life.
So what does J&R Marketing Do?
We help businesses, brands and people accomplish some cool things. Specifically, we help them brand, look good, generate and close more business.
J&R Marketing works with businesses and brands on:
- Website Design & Development
- Branding & Graphic Design (logos, image editing, print product design, etc.)
- Custom Print Products (Business Cards, brochures, flyers, marketing material, etc.)
- Custom Promotional Products (over 500,000 different products all available to be customized with logos for big and small companies)
- Custom Apparel (thousands of products and brands with your brand screen printed, embroidered or printed right on them.)
Okay, time to get back to work (well, time for more work + more coffee). I’ll be back soon, I have some great content that is almost ready to be published!