Tag Archives: business

Climbing Your Way out of Mediocrity

It’s a tough pill to swallow, but most people will never reach their full potential for success. For some, it’s simply easier not to.  It’s difficult to fight the comforting pull of mediocrity. If you are unwilling to strike out and can’t accept the possibility of failure, there’s a...

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Cup of Joe: Who Needs Sleep?

We all know that made-for-film moment: “Well, at least things can’t get any worse!” … and then it rains. Well, get out there and fight your rain. Get yourself busy! The amount of busy that I am is unreal, but there’s no better feeling than the sense of accomplishment...

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Cup of Joe: What’s Up? CRM & Progress

There are so many forms of social media, but I don’t want to be like everyone else… You’ve stumbled upon this article or have arrived here via the magic of a social share (thanks, Linkedin & Facebook). So what am I focusing on doing these days? Well, the past...

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5 Tips To Boost Your Personal Brand

The thing that still surprises me the most when I’m working directly with business professionals are the small and immediate steps they can take to make a big impact on their business. I’ve experienced these striking conclusions while implementing big things for small organizations, small things for big organizations,...

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11 Psychological Tricks and Points to Remember

I have always enjoyed learning about how the brain processes and reacts to information. More so, I enjoy humor. Put those two things together and you have this article! Below are psychological tricks that are not only interesting, but also entertaining. In some cases they might even help you in...

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